
This guide describes how to generate Fairmarkit API keys.

For the Fairmarkit API, you will need to generate an API Key and provide it in the HTTP request header (X-FM-API-KEY).

Login to Fairmarkit

To generate and manage your API key, you will need to

  • Log in to Fairmarkit as a Buyer - Admin (role).
  • Access the Self-Service API screen.
    (Administration / Fairmarkit API settings)


If you don’t have access to the Fairmarkit API settings screen, contact Support.

Generate an API key

  1. In API Key, click the Generate button.
    A key will be generated and displayed in the field.
  2. Click the copy button to copy the key to your clipboard.

Generate a new API key

As needed, you can generate a new API key.


When you generate a new API key, you will deactivate any previously generated keys.

  1. Click the Generate button.
    A message displays a warning that your previous key will be deactivated.
  2. Click Generate.

Deactivate an API key

You can deactivate an API key when it is no longer needed.

  1. Click the Deactivate button.
    A message displays a warning that any previous integrations will be lost.
  2. Click Deactivate.